una bella immagine della Trinità (leggere sotto)
« There are some things so beautiful that one can only gaze in awe » [+Timothy my archbishop in his Trinity Sunday homily in 2004]
This icon, in Toronto, Ontario, is titled, if my memory serves, « Holy Theologian Bernard in the Mysteries of the Processions of the Most Holy Trinity. » The three holy visitors to Abraham, the iconic representation of the Trinity, are those three angel figures. The tiny guy in the righthand corner, who’s prostrating after dropping his book and pen, is the indomitable Bernard Lonergan. I myself suspect that the great and holy theologians Karl and Hugo Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar are just out-frame right in the same state of awe. The only way one can be, when face to face with the truly True.
A glorious Trinity Sunday to you!