Pope Benedict XVI blesses a photo of 4-year-old abducted British girl Madeleine McCann

Pope Benedict XVI blesses a photo of 4-year-old abducted British girl Madeleine McCann dans immagini del Papa

Pope Benedict XVI blesses a photo of 4-year-old abducted British girl Madeleine McCann, while meeting her mother Kate McCann (R), after his weekly general audience at the Vatican May 30, 2007. The parents of a four-year-old British girl snatched from a Portuguese holiday resort nearly a month ago met Pope Benedict on Wednesday and the Pontiff blessed a photograph of the child. The mother of Madeleine McCann appeared to be holding back tears as she held up the picture of her daughter, which the Pope touched gently and then blessed with the sign of the cross. REUTERS/Osservatore Romano (VATICAN)

Publié dans : immagini del Papa |le 30 mai, 2007 |Pas de Commentaires »

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